Wednesday, October 21, 2015

About Nigeria

Where is Nigeria? Nigeria, officially called the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a country located in West Africa.
What is the largest city in Nigeria? Lagos is the largest city in Nigeria covering an area of 385.9 square miles. It is the third-most populous city in Africa with an estimated population of 7,937,932. As of now, it is the second-fastest growing city in Africa. It was once the capital of the country, and is the economic and financial capital of the country at present.

1 comment:

  1. Africa is a fascinating place! I have never been there, but it is easy to see why it is called the "mother land". I would like to visit Africa to see Mount Kilimanjaro, in addition to seeing some of the wildlife and beautiful scenery. Africa is also home to some of the most beautiful plants and trees in the world. The Cedar of Lebanon tree is one of the best trees on Earth and has biblical significance. There is no place like Africa.
